Tuesday, September 04, 2012

C1|W1 September 4th CC Day

Week 1: Tuesday Sept 4th

Here is a schedule of how we went over our Memory Work Today:

Timeline: We do as a group downstairs. Sing song and do motions.
Art Project: OiLs - Do this name activity with the class.
Science Project: Beans
History: Recite sentence. Listen to song on CD. Learn motions.
Geography: Lg map, Sm map, Trace on map location. "Travel" with gum.
English: Recite the sentence. Erase words.
Latin: Back'n'forth with the class.
Math: Say, Sing song on CD.
Science: Using this visual.
Proof and Snack
Presentations: Impromptu - Tell me about your homeschool.
Review: We did board wars, paired up, shuffled, Sing Songs, Motions

Next week Presentation is Show and Tell. The students need to focus on eye contact during their presentation.

I need your help with prizes for Week 6 when the students redeem their tickets. I need each family to purchase at least 12 small prizes to go into the treasure chest. These need to be cheap, I'm thinking Dollar Tree items here! If you could be purchasing those and bring them on Week 5, Tuesday October 2nd, that would greatly help me out! Thank you for your help in this again.

Next Week is Pizza, so if you would like to order a pizza for $7, let Cindy know!

I'm praying for each one of you and look forward to next week, Week #2!

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