Friday, November 19, 2010


I have hidden your Word in my heart, so I might not sin again you. Psalm 119:8

Why is it so hard to remember things, let alone the gift of memorizing scripture? Because it is in fact a gift, a gift I have not been given in my young adult life. As a children and a teen I knew the scripture. I could spout out anything you needed to know about the Bible. Then… in late high school and early college I turned away from the truth of scripture… and the thought that it was truth at all.

Thankfully the God is gracious.

Through a series of events the Lord brought some people into my life and took some people out. I am thankful for that season for it has brought me to where I am today, and who I am today… a Daughter of the King. Since my early believing days I have forgotten most of the scripture I once knew. However through my love for the Lord… and His love for me, I am regaining the hidden word in my heart.
Now I still believe that I have NOT been given the gift of scripture memorization, but does that mean I shouldn’t try to hide the word of God in my heart! Oh no, try away!

Here are some tips to help make that happen in my life and yours:
  1. Memorize scripture from a verse of the Bible that you enjoy. The Bible I use often is TNIV, in case you were wondering.
  2. Make some note cards of verses that you are trying to memorize.
  3. Now carry these cards with you to read while in a waiting line or on your lunch break, or post them around your home in places you’ll see them.
  4. Repeat and learn what these verses means. If you understand them, it will be easier to remember them.
  5. Regularly review these verses. Use it or lose it, haha, I’m serious though.
  6. Now go and share!

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